Every device has a storage medium that holds data. Data is everything on devices, including texts, documents, videos, games, and apps, all turned into data so electronics can read, run or write.
There are two storage medium types: Hard Disk Drive “HDD” and Solid State Drive “SSD.”
As the middle word implies, Hard Disk Drive is one or many spinning disks inside the metal case. It uses a triangle-shaped magnet head that rotates like a Record Player. The head can either read, change or write data by using magnets.
![Hard Disk Drive Shows a HDD disk and read-write head
Solid State Drive doesn’t use a spinning disk or a magnet head; instead, it consists of solid cells that drive charge electricity to the cells to read, change or write data.
![A caseless SSD.
The much newer laptops and all mobile devices use SSD because they are slim and save battery usage because of the lack of disks. HDDs are standard on Desktops, which are bulkier, although they tend to have more space at a lower cost than SSD.
The primary benefit of using SSD is:
- Speed
- Size for smaller devices.
HDD is:
- Lower Cost
- More space to store data.
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